"This DVD of Mr. Crumb is among the more crucial of Mugge's works, as visual imprints of a-v musics
being performed are rare and invaluable…‘n, man o man, I’d love to see the score sheets the pianist is
playing from!: they look bizarre as hell, something Wernick correctly cites as “calligraphy”. More, Voice of
the Whale is an illuminating peek into Crumb’s personal life, which was as plain and Levittown as any
blue collar workaday despite that famed psychedelic oeuvre: we see him playing Frisbee, in duet with
cellist/pianist son David, his wife taking time away from the laundry and lunch preparations to speak
about her husband, and so on. Mr. Mugge captured a moment that existed, my friends, in a much different time. Would that more had followed his example, we'd be much richer for the move."

George Crumb in mask